Bulk Billed Ovulation Tracking

Prior to ovulation, a 2cm “bubble” (follicle) can be seen in an ovary on ultrasound. Other features of ovulation include thickening of the “lining” of the uterus (endometrium) as well as high levels of oestrogen and LH hormones in the blood. Our service is able to provide monitoring of ovulation by ultrasound and blood tests to ensure the best timing for intercourse in the cycle. Ultrasound ovulation tracking is more accurate than temperature monitoring, phone Apps and other forms of home ovulation monitoring. Bulk billed ovulation tracking is beneficial in many circumstances:

  • Providing education regarding the timing of ovulation in cycles, in particular when cycles are irregular
  • Assessing ovulation timing where the male partner works away (FIFO)
  • Providing assessment and reassurance after pregnancy loss
  • Preparation for treatment cycles such as intrauterine insemination and frozen embryo transfer

“Tube Flushing”

Tubal patency is commonly assessed via tests such as HyCoSy and hysterosalpingogram. Flushing the tubes with oil based media ("poppy seed oil" or lipoidal) can be considered in some couples with infertility in particular in younger couples with an unexplained diagnosis or mild endometriosis. This procedure may improve the chance of natural conception in the months following the procedure.

Weight Loss

Lifestyle changes can make significant improvements in the natural fertility of both women and men. This includes ceasing smoking, exercising more, improving nutrition and reducing alcohol. Obesity can increase the risk of infertility and miscarriage. Women with PCOS can improve ovulation and their chance of conceiving naturally after losing as little as 5% of their body weight if they are overweight or obese. Weight loss is difficult to achieve at any time in life, however it can be more challenging when managing the difficulties related to infertility. We can provide access to an experienced dietician to provide guidance and support for weight loss in preparation for conception and pregnancy.

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